The Social Developer

Cross Platform and Full Stack Developer - Full Time Software Engineer - AI Researcher

"Your friendly, globe-trotting, zebra-forming tech-ninja, developing for social good"



An AI journal based lifecoach, powered by shaggyAI. Allows for daily journaling sessions and based on your entries Pagefelt learns about your life situations and patterns in your life. It then gives you feedback, tips, recommendations, and advice.

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Jetski is the all-in-one AI mentor for entreprenuers and startups. Built on the shaggyAI platform. It provides tested industry level advice and generative explanations on the fingertips of future CEOs.

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A platform for coaches, instructors, and schools to build AI tutors in the form of chatbots and journals. AI tutors provide feedback, advice, tips, content recommendations, and even generate example questions instantaneously.

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